Who does not love paintballing? It’s a game that is full of colorful mess. Paintballing without paint stain is a clear example of a dull and deadly game. If at the end of a heated paintball game you find your clothes full of paint stains, it means you had a great time at paintballing. Don’t worry about the paint stain. Like you, Many new player wonders that does paintball paint comes out of clothes.
Yes, it can be washed off easily. Not only from clothes but if the stain is on a car, tree, or on the wall. It can be easily removed. Paintballs are filled with an environmentally friendly dye that is water-soluble and non toxic. That’s the reason it can be removed easily. But How? Here, on this platform, we will bring to light some useful tips that you can use to remove paintball stains. Does paintball paint wash out? Stick to the article if you want to know the answer.

Does Paintball Stain?
Paintballs are spherical and have a thick outer coating made up of gelatin which is water-soluble too. Whereas, paintballs are filled with polyethylene glycol, which is also water-soluble. Besides this, it is hypoallergenic, which means it doesn’t cause any reaction when it comes in contact with skin. This is the major difference between cheap paintball and expensive paintball. Cheap paintballs are not filled with water soluble dyes that may leave paint stains. Just because of different paintball quality, in the majority of paintball grounds, only field paintballs are allowed. You don’t have to bring your paintballs from outside.
Paintball paint is easily washable. Since the dye is water-soluble. So just soak your clothing in water, and the water-soluble dye will instantly be dissolved in water. There is no need to use detergent or kerosene oil to remove paint stains.
Paint Stains that are Tough to Wash:
Because Polyethylene glycol paint stains are pretty easy to remove. But yes, there are some paintballs whose paint stains are tough to remove.
How to Wash Paintball Paint Stains from Clothes:
Washing off paint stains from clothes is a five-finger exercise, especially if you are using a paintball with polyethylene glycol dye. Before dumping your paintball paint messed clothes into the washing machine, soak them in plain water with no detergent in it. Let the water dissolve all the paint from the clothes. Leave it for 1-2 hours. Take the clothes out of the water and rinse them well. You will hardly find a place with paintball stains.
Now they are ready to wash paintball paint with detergent to remove dirt and other tough paintball stains. Make it your practice to wash the paint stained paintball clothes instantly, right after returning from the paintball field. Leaving them for days can reduce the chances of paint removal.
A lot of clean freak moms are following a hack of using laundry detergent pre-treater. Just spray a small amount of it on the paintball clothes and leave them for a few hours. The stains will vanish as if they were never there. You can keep this pre-treater with you on the playing field. Right after getting free from the game, spray the pre-treater on your paintball clothes before leaving for home. This way, nobody will even get a hint that you went for paintballing.
How to Remove Waxed Pallet Paintball Stains:
Paintballs with wax pellets are pretty hard to remove, as they have a high wax ratio that dries out when they come in contact with water. Therefore, soak your paintball clothes in medium hot water. This will melt the wax and the stain will come out easily. Some fabrics with synthetic fibers can shrink away or be damaged with hot water. Also, hot water may cause fading of bright colors. In short, Hot water may damage the fabric of your shirt.
Therefore, never ever use paintballs with wax pellets. And if you have used it mistakenly, then we have a trick to save your day.
- Before throwing your clothes into the laundry basket, scrape off the paint with the help of a butter knife or the backside of a spoon. Make sure not to damage the fabric.
- Now place the cloth on a flat surface with a brown paper bag on it. You can place the cloth on the ironing board too.
- Keep another piece of brown paper or butter paper on the cloth right at the stain. In other words, make a sandwich of your stained clothes between butter paper or brown paper.
- With the help of warm iron, remove the stain by moving it slowly over the wax. This way, the wax will be instantly removed from your paintball clothes. Now they are ready for normal laundering.

Stains from other than Waxed Pellet:
Sometimes paintball ammos consist of some other components besides wax and polyethylene glycol. Like propylene glycol and sorbitol. Usually, cheap paintball Ammos comprise such contents. They are pretty difficult to wash off.
Other than this, paintball Ammos containing dyes give a very tough time in cleaning. Once you are done with the game, then you must clean your paintball clothes. Don’t leave the dye stain as it is. Soak it in warm water and if it’s still difficult to wash off, then use a mixture of ammonia and baking soda to get rid of the stubborn dye stain.
Tips & Tricks to get ride of Paintball Paint:
Paintball stains can be washed off but sometimes it gives a tough time. Therefore, by using the following tips and tricks you can easily get rid of stubborn paintball paint without any extra effort.
Dedicate some clothes especially for Paintball:
It’s the best one. Keep a few clothes designated for paintball. Whenever you want a thrilling weekend, take those particular clothes and wear them for paintballing. Due to constant paintballing, the shine of the fabric will fade away, and you will see dullness in the stained area.
Choose dark colors for paintballing:
When stained, dark colors don’t look awkward as compared to light colors. Also, light colors are difficult to clean as compared to dark colors. Dark colors can be easily washed off and brought back to the normal stage.
Don’t leave stained clothes as it is:
With time paintball stain soaks inside the fabric and in some cases sticks firmly to the cloth.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Final Words:
Paint in paintball is designed in such a way that it can be easily washed off without leaving any nagging stain. It doesn’t cause any harm, not even to your skin and hair. Since it is made up of water-soluble material, so paintball stains come out easily without any struggle. Instead of stressing and fearing about paintball stains, stay relaxed, follow our tips and enjoy your game.